Thursday, July 30, 2015

SULLEE J: Innovative Mind [@SulleeJ85]

Innovative Mind

[Sullee J.ustice]

It's been long overdue since we last stimulated your minds with a thought provoking article from the Artist, Philanthropist, Activist, and Writer himself, Baltimore, Maryland’s Sullee J!

How in tune is your mind with your soul? How much in doom is your heart from the times you’ve lost self-control? How much has the logic of your mind disregarded the truth from your heart, and afflicted you whole? If you were to rewind the times and paid attention to your blindness, how much would you need to prescribe to unwind the roles? Knots you have made, internal blocks, this whole time you were behind the mind that sewed. Am I wrong? Were you not addicted to your decisions? Do you question all that you dose daily; are you attentive to your prescriptions? Do you dwell on the consequence of your actions? Do you dare make a move in this universe and doubt the formation of a reaction. Have you become so obsessed with your habits, that you have justified your own silly truth? That’s a bit doltish! A fact does not need elaboration, the truth attacks with no emotion at high voltage. Once hit by the tip of its sphere, surely you can’t go back to old notions. Question yourself! Don’t think you’re moving right, just because what you know has kept you in motion.

Oh wise one, how wise can one be, for even when his wise peaks, he’s still unaware of what’s beyond his eyes, the unseen. Oh wise one, how wise can one be, when the wisest he has been, has still not allowed him to understand, why one dreams? What degree of truth do you provide, when the conviction you supply comes with an emotional rise? Why do you deny what you deny, and what makes you agree to the clever linguistics of only one side? What is so attracting about the exterior, when putrescent inside? Do you question your connection to all that you connect with? These are questions, and I suggest we keep on reflecting! Do you follow a crowd because of familiarity? Do you know what you know to be the truth, or bond with it just because of similarities? Pfft! Such hypnotherapy! Somnolence is the wrong fuel for clarity! Learn! Knowledge is the best form of charity! I would lead you astray not. I am only dilating the vessels which you have allowed to narrow over time, in order for you to conclude in temerity.

Oh sincere ones, from which artery have you pulled your intent out of? What has derived you to commit to such a selfless act? Have you bargained your time and expense for the account of a good deed or a shade of light? From which angle have you approached such presentation? In every journey which you find yourself, do you question your motive? Has it benefited you in any form? And if so, will you deny that all roses come with thorns? Or that all prizes come with surprises. Are you prepared to stay in solidarity with your deed, or is it a mere payment toward a fee from a previous greed? These are indeed questions for the inner self, from the very parts which have been sworn. What is your reason behind the very act you have sprung toward? Is it foolish to be aware of why we do things? What is so attractive about one who has to show less? What is so appealing about promoting the hopeless? What is so exciting about the negativity? Surely, this gossip is the way of the grotesque! Don’t just know what you know, it’s time for an internal protest!

Truth is clear, so why do we base it on color? For what reason do we create hate, when the emotion is not an innate trait, it’s a practiced sight. How many of our leaders claim to be magnanimous in character, but they’re the fractured type. This generation worships illusions and attractions, and then wonders why they’re mad at life. What good is your innovation, if it has no clear indication? Why slander another with imputation to justify your own equivocation? How is the tactics of instigating war over seas supposed to be mitigating? This is systematic slavery, this isn’t liberation! What good is your vision, when it contains not precision? What good is your ambition, if it remains with not persistence? How many times do we justify decisions and complain of our condition? Once we are capable of answering our own questions, we will then know the difference. This is the definition of our definite existence!

Not only do we seem to neglect the blessings we’ve been granted, we deny the fact that they even exist. Have you bewildered yourself? Have you forgotten the meaning of indigenous? Why has it become a trend to beautify artificial ligaments? Why do we have women running around with fake body parts, degrading their images? Men falling for superficial innocence. This is the face of wickedness. How do you claim to be a righteous king or queen? You don’t even respect your organs! What do I mean? Do you smoke? You’re killing your lungs slow. Do you drink? Your killing your liver, the alcohol allows it to harden and shrink. Do you eat excessively? You’re killing your heart’s entity. Do you engage in negative conversation? You’re killing your mind, beware of your congregations! Do you disregard prayer? You’re killing your soul, are you not aware?! Pick your poison wisely, oh wise ones. You know as much as you know, and you believe it is just enough to know, to make self-adjustable to what one loves, how dysfunctional! This is layman’s for the brains, which find it hard to devour truth and so they claim it strange, how deranged! Oh wise ones, search deep inside before you conclude your horizons. All I ask is to, consult with your results, reason with your reasons, look outside of your outlooks, so you have conviction when you’re speaking!


S.U.L.L.E.E. J. (Society's Undisputed Liberated Lyricist Expressing & Exemplifying Justice)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

#Playgirl Generation By Sullee J [@SulleeJ85]

[Playgirl Generation]

By Sullee J
My question is, are women just objects in today’s society? Are they just toys? Have they become so degraded, that they, themselves even mock their own gender? Why are women who have standards, moral, dignity, class, intellect, being overshadowed by girls who seem to have nothing to show except for their skin? What are we facing today? What are we teaching our youth to believe today? Girl’s getting plastic surgery in grade school because they don’t match the typical “magazine” model? Dress less in order to impress? Low shirts which expose your breast? Short skirts, barely grown, but stretched? Why has society made the image of a woman so demeaning? They’d rather glorify a chick with no brain, then one who stands for a reason. They’d rather glimmer light on a stone, than a diamond who sticks to what she believes in? Instead of glamorizing positivity, they’d rather illuminate treason!

How do you demand respect, when you lack it for self? You’re only dragging yourself in a debt, thinking your stacking that wealth! It’s an illusion! A mere confusion! Selling yourself for less was never the answer, that’s a cancerous solution! Are you insecure? Low-self-esteem? Possibly an attention fiend? What have you really attracted? Sex craved, mentally enslaved, your whole personality plastic? Are you doing it to fit in? I’ve seen women get gutter for a little butter, and I ain’t kidding. Is it the men too? Have they become so shallow? Morals nonexistent! What has been condemned, is now the road on which they travel! This is shame, are you not ashamed? Behavior inhumane, allowing politics to train. Brainwash the minds, they swallow tricks for change! What have we here, a generation faded. Females seem to hit mainstream, as long as they keep their gender degraded.

Are we ok with this? Is this the character of our future role models we want our youth to reflect? Teen mom became a hit, and so now all these girls run around thinking, who to erect? This is that Lucifer effect! They call me crazy, because I choose to speak truth, instead of conforming to the usual set. I was never fond of bruising my neck, by turning toward every new trend, and allowing the news to put my views in a check. I find it sad to see a world so deprived. Women dressed in provocative fabric, then wonder why men treat them like an object, surprise! I see people hate on each other’s religions when it keeps them from whoring. Peer pressure even got them girls who cover up, dressed in certain ways just to cover up when there exploring. Confused atmosphere, it must be. Pornography is one of the highest selling businesses, in the indus-try. Do you see the problem, or is it just me?

If this is the game, I refuse to play it. You think you got freedom, but that capitalism keeps you on a slave-ship. Organized chains, who told you that you made it? A little fame, and all the sudden people act as if there level is beyond taming. To the women of this generation, and so forth: Learn to value yourselves! You are beautiful as is. You don’t need to be like the people you see on TV, or in magazines, or these vixens in today’s music videos. You need to worry not about those who look down on you for being you! You were born different, unique and just perfect. Don’t value the opinion of someone who doesn’t know the value of the real you. Have some sense before you try and make cents. Don’t let them guide you, design you, and then act surprised, when they eventually decide to undermine you. Use your mind, before they blind you. Last time I checked, only you should define you. I call this a playgirl generation, because going cheap seems to be the new method they teach. The industries a crook, and nobody’s allowed ahead unless you’re sleeping in the chief executives sheets.

Lyrics below: Just a glimpse of what our media shines light on today! Enough people seem to love it… and so it seems, collective ignorance keeps feeding their budget.

“I love my big booty b*tches, my life a Godfather picture
Local club in my city, I fell in love with a stripper
B*tches know I’m that nigga”

“B*tch! Stop talkin’ that shit
And suck a nigga d*ck for some Trukfit
Okay I f*k a b*tch and I’m gone
That’s gangsta: Al Capone
I make that pu*sy spit like Bone
I’m talkin’ ’bout bone, bone, bone bone”

“Wobble Dee Wobble wop wop Wobble wobbin’
A* so phat All these b*tches’ pu*sies is throbbing.
Bad b*tches, I’m your leader.
Phantom by the meter.
Somebody point me to the best a** eater!”

“Kiss my a**, kiss my anus, cuz its finally famous and its finally soft, yea its finally soft.”


S.U.L.L.E.E. J. (Society’s Undisputed Liberated Lyricist Expressing & Exemplifying Justice)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

@SulleeJ85 – Pain Is Love [Spirit Of Love Part II] #BuddhaBar

Pain Is Love”

by Sullee J

[Live From Heart - Buddha Bar Music]

[Spoken Word]

Love is the guide, love is the eyes in which I stare in and see the world’s pride. Love is the laughter, love is the cry. Love is the butterflies deep down inside. Love is when you can't think no more love is when you keep giving and can’t give no more. Love is history love is future love is present, the mystery distributor,

But what is love, when it’s taken everything from you, when its ripped you to shreds and left you in webs, what is love when you gave it your all, and in return you gained nothing but falls, love is supposed to be the Band-Aid not the salt, where was love when your heart was torn apart, love is so hypocritical, I love, love, but after the experience I became cynical, I thought if you kept trying love would see the signs, but with all the tries, all it lead to was more crying beneath the skies, lies!

Wait… I won’t lie though, love is more than physical, love is spiritual, just because you were done wrong before, love can still leave miracles, maybe the one who left was just the test, a preparation before the best, maybe we will heal as time passes, if love is infinite, then all these thoughts in my mind, could dissolve through a divine passage, evaporated tears, can’t bring back the years but possibly they might palliate fear,

Take away the rain, bring me back to my senses, someone once told me love is all expenses, and I been paying ever since, currently in debt, never have I ever felt any less dense, who knew the cut of broken pieces would leave me sleepless, you took my kind heart for weakness, who knew one phrase could lead to this much defeat, it’s like a thousand punches to my stomach, I’m suffering deep, drowning in cold water, but feel nothing but heat,

That’s what love did, should I still have hope, they say love is fresh air, After a real bad stroke, they say, love is when you wake up after a coma, some say love causes the sleep, that disastrous oma, they say, love dissolves pain, if it don't, it ain't real, some say love is cancerous, it'll kill you regardless of what you feel, they say, love is a drug, stronger then all dope, some say, love is a bug, love is all jokes, love has become rare, where did love go,

Some say, no amount of pain can take away the love, others say no amount of love can take away the pain, how strange, I swear it’s a game, it’s like, Love has become all mouth and no heart, love supposed to heal the cut not form scars. I thought love was bliss, can it still be? I’m confused, will love give me life, or will it kill me?

Listen to “Spirit of Love” Pt. 1 here
========== Catch Up with Sullee J ===========
Sullee J & Kuniva of D12 “I’m a Star”:
Sullee J “Voice of the People“[Be the Voice] Music Video:

S.U.L.L.E.E. J. (Society's Undisputed Liberated Lyricist Expressing & Exemplifying Justice)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

@SulleeJ85 – ❝Voice of the People❞

Voice of the People
[Sullee J.ustice]

Baltimore, Maryland’s:  Sullee J releases the new video “Voice of the People” in association with Underscore films in aid of St.Christopher’s Children Home in St.Kitt’s. Here is what Sullee J had to say :

”This is the definition of what I do. This is the epitome of who I am. This is Sullee J, and what Justice means.
“Be The Voice” speaks on the various issues of society today, and was made to help enlighten the ears of the listener. The sad reality is that many people, especially children today, are without healthy living conditions. These are tough issues that society seems to ignore. At times, we might not feel like we have much, but we have enough to get by. Everybody needs help, especially the helpless! The idea behind Saint Christopher Children’s Home is to assist in the provision of a building to house neglected children. These children are mainly abuse victims, neglected or abandoned children, orphans, or those placed there by court order. I told you I will better this world, whether you believe it or not. I will continue to pursue my dreams and work hard toward generating an interesting in doing good whether you agree or not. I believe in living to make others smile”

Download "Be The Voice" for free!

S.U.L.L.E.E. J. (Society's Undisputed Liberated Lyricist Expressing & Exemplifying Justice)

Monday, August 6, 2012

A Message For The Seekers [DAJJAL]

By: Sullee J
Verily, the time has come
In which the eye is one
Blind in one side, 
The other defines the defiant one 
The mystified liar
The tyrant's son
Once, a conscious
Now his disguise is one
Brutal in tactics
Swarming through the sky, he runs
Delivery he, does bigotry
Deep inside, it's fun
A force so evil, 
Even the demons alive, 
What have we here? 
A prophecy arrived? 
The word of the Prophet (pbuh),
Coming with him, the isosceles tribe
Hypocrisy strived,
The figure with a straight speech
On his appearance, an immodesty stye
Claim, he will,
God's status on earth,
So forth, he will say
His magic, is worth
His follower's will rise
As earth's ignorance prevails
Multiplied cults, designed
To birth, ridiculous trails
Beware of the truth he speaks
For his tongue is boisterous
Sputum: vigorous, 
Intention full of hate, 
Motive: execute the innocent
His presence will be pure
But foul as a degenerate
Genius with the word
But his sound, malevolent 
Centuries ago,
Ancients spoke of this matter
"He is coming" they said
Goal: to provoke, disaster
His name will shine
In the light. They will display him
As they await his prime,
In the night, 
The promised, will slay him
Who denies, 
The very time of his arrival
The mischievous one! 
Controller of current minds, 
The blind folk's idol
Who’s to say, he will be great?
Surely, those who have lost faith! 
Who's to say, glorify his name?
Surely, disbelievers have forgotten 
And nullified God's name!
He will promise you good tidings
And feed your vulnerability! 
He will make disbelief a trend
Until he achieves your misery
Foolish! Ye' are who fall for such strategy
Have you not been given a mind of your own?
Think! This is blasphemy! 
This is a warning,
Behold the coming of a great defier! 
The manipulator, 
Lure of the weak, toward the gates of fire
And who so falls for his tarnished antics,
Will only be deceiving themselves, 
Surely, they will be at loss for all chances!
Say, what you know of God,
Which allows you to believe what you hear?
They tell you He is unaware?
What proof do you carry? 
Show your evidence! Where?
Do not be so arrogant, 
And claim you know the truth! 
Your truth is but an illusion, 
Your proof, is but one after another excuse! 
What has your inventions brought you, 
But temporary hope? 
"Science cures cancer"!
Nothing, but unnecessary dope! 
So, denies God then, they continue to say! 
But only will you have denied yourself this way! 
Humanity has conceived its own problem,
More than plenty have fallen astray! 
Look what you have given birth to today!
Though, only has it been etched
Into the hearts of true believers! 
Be aware of this savage pest,
Fear not his doom, 
For, to those who believe, he is, but meager! 
So feed into it not, 
What entertains the heedless! 
Dajjal is on the way,
This! A Message For The Seekers!  
S.U.L.L.E.E. J. (Society's Undisputed Liberated Lyricist Expressing & Exemplifying Justice)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

‘Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline’

Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline

Sullee J

Don't let the magazines dress you, girls on television impress you, cynical rules address you, or sexist pricks disrespect you. Beautiful is how you were created, not what they tell you. Keen and intellect is what you are, not how they reflect you. Don't let the press, suppress you. Don't let the media's judgment represent you. Don't let the pressure affect you. Don't let their idea of beauty get you! It will only upset you, enough to regret you. Don't hate you because you are not what they believe should make you. Dry your tears! Because no matter how hard you try, they will remain ungrateful. 

Do you love yourself? Or do you love the image they have created to display you? Do you think exposing more skin is a form of acceptance? Is that what you think it gains you? Little girls are babysat by TV, who grow to look up to teen sensations that are represented in such a demeaning manner. For example, an episode which shows a young girl lying to her parents to sneak out with her boyfriend. A girl who wears make up to impress the older girls in school supposedly determines her level of hotness. What does it mean to be hot? Is it dressing like a hoe aka wearing less clothes and more make up? Does it mean, dating the most popular boy in school? Does another person's acceptance make you more beautiful? Is that what we are being fed? 

Surely, beauty is inside you. Self-acceptance is more important than worrying about whom other than you, accepts self! Must I remind you? Do not fall in the categories of falsehood, or let it define you. Materials are an illusion; don't assume they will divine you. Who's to say, selling yourself for less will gain you respect? What does 'class' mean to a society who promotes more 'checks', for more 'sex'? Your body is a temple, not a share to invest. You don't need anybody to tell you you’re worth but yourself! Your dignity is your wealth, not the paper itself. 

Look here baby, yes a person like me exists, and I respect you for who you are, all natural, no tricks. You don't need to dress less or belittle your image, or believe the propaganda description is what you must fit with. No need to mimic them Hollywood gimmicks. Selling yourself for less, never made you any more vivid. Don't expect respect from other's if you can't respect yourself. Putting half a naked picture of yourself to get more likes on Facebook is not the right way to raise your self-esteem! Be real! Be confident. Most of all, keep your dignity. If a person can't accept you for being real, who care's how they feel. Don't fall into the trap of illusion, because that leads to misery and the hearts pollution. The universe becomes a mirror of your existence; it's all up to you. If you be fake, then in return you get fake. If you be real, you get real. I believe that, a real woman stands above all the "fuckery" and "fakery". Pardon my language, but I’d rather love you uncovered, then have you covered ostentatiously.

S.U.L.L.E.E. J. (Society's Undisputed Liberated Lyricist Expressing & Exemplifying Justice)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Blueprint

The Blueprint: By Sullee J

Music is...

Regardless of our race, religion or ethnicity
Music is universal, it unifies us infinitely
Music is divine, a form of divinity
A language through which the heart speaks trilogies
A way of expressing, our light and dark energies
Music is the dialect of our souls
The connection between the inner we
The spiritual intimacy, the lyrics of epiphany  
The crying, the screaming, the polyphonic bickering
The voice behind our silence, 
The heart which continuously delivers beat
Influencing the masses through an
Acoustic which profusely
Drowns in many ears
So affluent its acuity 
Music is, Music be
The blueprint to unity

Music is…

Intervention, an invention
A form of independence, 
The linguistic of oneness
A way to form acceptance
Music releases the swollen tensions
And holds behind it intention
To replenish the mind
Through words of affection
Music is a cure, 
But music can be infection
The subliminal message
Which hopes to gain attention
Music instills love, or it fills hate
Even anger or joy
Music has the power to create
Music is a source of sorcery
By the pen which initiates
Stronger than the wounds upholstery 
Which the sword affiliates 
Music is the savior
A gift for you and me
Music is, Music be
The blueprint to unity

Music is…

Words from heaven
Some words are weapons
Music forms pictures
Diverse, through many verbs I reckon 
In other words, a lesson
To lessen by purging the burdens present
Music is a dream, music is reality
Some do it for fame, others display mentalities
Some do it for reason, others create fatalities
Some got a purpose, others smother personalities
To cover up mistakes, and butter up irrationalities 
But I,
I make music to influence the masses
Stress the vocal chords with emotions
That’s fueling my magic
I hope that even after I die
My words will forever last, truthfully
A form of admonition for the people
Who forgot the meaning of unity  
Music is, Music Be
The Blueprint for you and me


S.U.L.L.E.E. J. (Society's Undisputed Liberated Lyricist Expressing & Exemplifying Justice)