Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We Marched, Still [Spoken Word] By Sullee J

In Sullee J's own words "I wrote this to keep us awake, and always remember where we came from. I feel like a lot of us forget or get spoiled in the hype. At one point, we fought and died over school and earning the privilege to read a book. Today we shoot each other and die over material things like who has the newest Jordan's? God puts us through things, but he also pulls us through them. He does this so, we can humble ourselves and appreciate what we have, not forget what we were granted!"

LISTEN:  http://youtu.be/aRFgacMsuRs 

Lyrics Below

We Marched,
Even though we fought hard
With hearts dark enough
To darken the stars,
We Marched, Still
Even when our fathers were lynched
And mothers convinced,
There youngn's raped of there innocence
We Marched, Still
Even when the bright snow beat us
And the great white restrained to feed us
We had to walk miles for water
Hydration was heaven,
We question,
Oh Lord, are you sure you still need us?
We Marched, Still
Conquered by the myth in our hearts,
Thinking we were doomed at birth,
We fought still
With nothing but dirt,
We carved steal
Barricaded on the same earth,
Today we oft chill
We Marched, Still
Died for generations,
Couldn't feed our children knowledge
Books weren't allowed penetration
In the minds of those who's skin
Was, but even one percent,
Dark, still
We Marched, to kill
Destroy the forced niche
And eradicate the shovelers
Who dug us this poor ditch
And put limits on us
Because the pigment was so rich
We Marched, Still
Til' the last breath was taken
Til' our flesh was ripped off our backs,
Still we believed in our creation
We Marched, still
To make a way for our seeds
So today we could look back
And not take for granted,
What we shall receive
We March, still
Our hearts filled
With patience, faith
And scars, chilled
But we persevere
And starve stlll
For the remembrance
Of our forefathers
Who fought, I feel
It's been ages,
But, we must not forget as we age,
For the fight for freedom is ageless,
And so I reveal
I am the spirits of this eerie past,
I had a dream,

S.U.L.L.E.E. J. (Society's Undisputed Liberated Lyricist Expressing & Exemplifying Justice)