Sunday, November 27, 2011

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

United We Stand
, Divided We Fall

 Sullee J

Who has divided us? Entrenched thoughts inside us and dispersed fabricated reports to blind us? Who are these monsters? Captivated by the hunger of wickedness, strategizing since the beginning of time. A plan to corrupt humanity through their secret covenants, how insidious their minds. Who are the fathers of this evil? Who finds joy in the division and conquer of people? Who so practices with such decadence and hypocrisy? Are ye entertained of committing such heinous acts? Do you not think that He knows of all, which ye do? Have you become so arrogant and forgetful because of your earthly possessions that you feel as if you are not to return to your creator? Are you not the same person’s whom will deny of such actions when facing the truth on the day of recompense? Have you fell in disbelief? Into the magic of Iblis, who is aware of the truth himself, but finds excitement in turning you astray from it? Who is to blame, the ones who divide or the ones who fall into the trap and allow the division?

What has divided us, in such a way that we have been killing each other for centuries and forgot what the reason of existence even means? Does the word humanity, not have the word unity in it? If you believe it is religion, which segregates you from loving another person, then you are a part of the wrong religion. Religion teaches acceptance. “La Kum Dina Kum Waliya Deen” – To Each Their Own. It isn’t faith or the belief in a “God”, which divides us. Then what could it be? Is it money? Who owns the most property? Is it control? Is it the false media? Which tends to constantly divert our attention from the real by promoting the same things until we are slowly brainwashed into believing their version of the truth? Is it power? Can the role of playing “God” be so seductive to one’s mind that, the adrenaline rush from it allows them to feel as if they can do anything and not be accounted for their actions? Are you so caught up in your heedless ways?

It feels like humanity has been infected with some sort of epidemic, which has traveled and invaded weak souls. Struck the feeble minds and succeeded to reach hold. What have we done? Allowing ourselves to divide and separate into crowds? Only if we were open minded enough to see that unity; is the only way out. Who made you believe that it is a person’s socio-economic status, which should influence your decision on whether or not to associate with them? Who taught you to judge a book by its cover? Who taught you to assume a crook by his color? Who instilled in your hardheaded, slender minds to believe the gossip from there blistered tongues?  Aren’t you aware of the fact that evil loves to entrap those who trap themselves mentally? Surely, the trapped are those who follow and swallow the captions of hypocrite captains, no sense in these. Where does it get you at the end of the day to hate or dislike another person because of what they look like? Or how much money they have or don’t have? What there religion is? Who they are related to?

Ask yourself! Are you only unified when in need? Are you otherwise disguised, and inside is greed? Are your intentions pure when congregated? The Quran states, “Their enmity among themselves is very great. You would think they were united, but their hearts are divided, that is because they are a people who understand not.” You can hide from the world, but not thyself. It frightens me because, if we can dissect ourselves from our own blood in today’s time over petty things, I worry about the pedagogy, which will guide the minds of our future generations. We need to open our eyes and come together as a unit, otherwise we will slowly evaporate as time continues, and nothing will change for the better. We need to learn to better ourselves, by helping better others. People tend to find humor in the filthiest things now days, and slowly what was once looked down at, is now becoming entertainment. How can we ever find a solution to a problem we keep ourselves from seeing? Look at the protests across the nation for #OccupyWallStreet. With the power of unity’s voice, I truly believe they will reach their goal and by the grace of God, may its outcome be for the best.


S.U.L.L.E.E. J. (Society's Undisputed Liberated Lyricist Expressing & Exemplifying Justice)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

"A Letter from Sullee J: The Importance of Gratitude"

"A Letter from Sullee J: The Importance of Gratitude"

Were you grateful for being able to sleep last night? Are you grateful for waking up today? Do you have both arms, both hands and both legs? Do you have vision, whether it is 20/20 or not? Do you have someone who loves you; parents, siblings or friends? Do you have a roof over your head? Do you eat until you’re full? Have you sat down for a minute and actually thought about what you had, instead of what you didn't? Do you realize, even if you have one of the things I just listed above, you are blessed? Are you forgetful of what has been given to you? Have you become so use to these things that you need to have them taken away in order to realize? Did you say thank you to the last person who helped you? Do you love the person who loves you back, just as much? Are you so confident that you will live long enough to see tomorrow? I write this to you, so you can think about these things every day. Life is short, but it seems that our memory of what we have in it is even shorter.

Don't you know that happiness is a state of mind, which solely begins with 'your' attitude? Either you are negative, or you are positive. Your whole life is capable of changing with just how you perceive your surroundings. No one in this life will have everything they "want", but if they learn to see, they will see they have what they need already. People want a million dollars, so they pray for it. Did you ever think you might already have the million dollars? What if that million dollars was in the form of something else, like a mother? Someone who loves you? Paper isn't the only asset. This is what I mean, we have things of value which are worth more than anything in this world, but we don't ever notice it until it's gone. I had a friend who lost their mother, and they told me "I would always be so angry and do things just to make her mad, and the next thing you know, she was gone". Would you really want regret like that in your life? Be grateful while you have it, and be grateful for having the chance of having it.

The beauty of saying 'thank you' is that it takes little time, but the effect lasts a life time. Just as we should be grateful for what we have, we should be grateful for what we don't. If you believe in God, than you believe what we don't have is only for our own betterment. No one knows us better than the one who made us. You must learn to believe in your creator, without doubting his reasoning. Sometimes what we don't have is a way of having something in itself. Like they say, 'a prayer unanswered, is still a prayer answered.' When you pray, you should say thanks for the things you have first. Thank God, thank your family, your friends, your neighbors and anybody who's been there for you and with you through thick and thin. Most people may not realize it, but gratitude is a form of charity itself. Not only should you appreciate the people who come in your life, but also the ones who leave your life. Every single thing has a purpose or lesson behind it in life. Life remains teaching us, so we shall remain learning from it. 

With that being said, you should never not be thankful, because you can never be too grateful. Learn to be tolerant, be accepting, be positive, and be appreciative. Remember that, the first step to being great is to be grateful. We work hard every day to reach our goals, dreams or even the next promotion at work. Although, once we get there, we sometimes let our ego step in and change how we think. We cannot allow ourselves to get ahead of ourselves that is exactly how we lose. You see how everything correlates with being grateful. If we cannot display gratitude or be thankful for our blessings, than slowly we will stop having the things we should be saying thank you for.
'For some people, enough is never enough. For others, it is just enough.'
- Sullee J.

'I’m Thankful…' By: Sullee J

I’m thankful for the ones that love me
The ones that hate me
The ones that I call friends
And the ones that tried to play me
I’m thankful for the ones that need me
The ones that want me
The ones that try and please me
So later they can come back to haunt me
I'm thankful for the pain and the laughter
If it wasn't for the rain
I wouldn't have known how to keep a straight face after
I’m thankful for being alive,
I’m thankful for having a reason to survive
I’m thankful for making it out of hell
Because at one point, I was feenin' to die
I’m thankful for my enemies,
They taught me who's real, which helped better me
I’m thankful for this life
And every day that it lets me be
I’m thankful for love and the
Lessons it showed me      
I’m thankful in general
For what's above, and what's below me

S.U.L.L.E.E. J. (Society's Undisputed Liberated Lyricist Expressing & Exemplifying Justice)

Friday, October 14, 2011

What does the world think of me?

What does the world think of me? 

By  Sullee J

Ima do what I do without the care of your view
Cuz I'm me
I'm me without he or she, cuz only I create me
I blame me, only I can hate me, I love me, n only I can call myself ugly
I don't need the people to tell me how to feel or when to feel it
I’ll cry, and I’ll laugh, whenever those emotions are needed
I wear what I want; I make friends when I choose to
I'm there when I need to be, I don't care what you tell me to choose dude
We’re on two different levels, I'm high you’re low
I'm high because I chose to succeed, and you still too real to grow
What does the world think of me?
I don't know, leave my mind alone
I wanna spend time at home, far away, so every rhyme
N next line I combine, comes out without a crying tone
What the world thinks of me?
I don't care, I swear
I use to, then I learned to dare
Learned to risk, I learned to be aware
I learned to put my index down
Cuz peace was never there
(Hah) yea, you know I don't care
What the world thinks of me?
It hates me; it can't wait to take me
I rebel on purpose, so I can piss it off, guess I'm crazy
Or just an outcast, they say if you don't conform
To societies norms,
You’ll be out, fast!
But I chose to be me, I don't wanna be you
Or look like them, I just wanna be true
At least to myself, I don't care what they think
I shouldn't, when I did, every week I was in hell
Blank stares at the shrink
Never cared about status, or too much paper
But I guess I'm above average, got too much haters
So what the world thinks of me?
I could care less
I follow my heart so I can lead the rest
Pump that beat up, til its beat, beats me to death
No I don't preach or speak just to be the ref
I teach, first to understand, second so we can each make peace
And cease the mess
I stare at your hearts; I don't care for your dark
We each got mistakes, and it shouldn't be fair if we sit here
N compare how sharp
But, as long as we learn though, we should learn to move on
The past becomes our surface, and the future lets us know who's gone
So keep your friends close, but your enemies closer
Cuz they tell u what’s up, when your friends act like they don't know ya
See what I mean, when I say I don't care when the world stares
Everybody out here tryina cop a piece or share, until they can get over there
But the green grass was never greener; the other side was really impaired
Blindness deep in your mind tryina find repair
Never did u want it, u were just caught in the air
So, don't let the world choose your destiny,
Cuz they'll hold you back, all alone, as long as
They can't find their own remedy
So, in order to snatch the throne, you must
Craft your own energy
With that being said,
What the world thinks of you?
Tell that thought to go rest in peace!

S.U.L.L.E.E. J. (Society's Undisputed Liberated Lyricist Expressing & Exemplifying Justice)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Motive of Money

The Motive of Money
By Sullee J

See, Money is the ruler
The guap, The user, 
The revealer of true nature
The greed of a loser 
The cancer which diffuses the minds
The confuser, 
The illusion, The abuser
The fantasy made to make believe and
pollute us

See, money is great, but money is awful
Money is used for good, but also the unlawful
I thought my heart was enough,
but I guess money is more than what's thoughtful 
Money makes the world go round
Money makes my girl profound
Money made me frown, but put a smile
On the faces of everyone else around
It's money, that made these friend's come back around

See, money is treason, the treacherous 
Devil intrigued reason, 
For those who worship the dollar! 
Never even sought meaning
Or gave thought to believing 
And so they became lost in there own grieving 

Tortured souls, caught in the deceiving 
Enemies of self, and God to you, looks so demeaning
Those who betray there own blood
for two cents and a pot to pee in
I heard money talks odd
But money never walked even
But if, money was class
We would all attend the teaching
Some folks die for the bill
I swear, you won't believe it
Brainwashed the minds and 
Infiltrate with adhesives
People do anything for that green
Even knock they own fetus

Wealth-less, see it makes you helpless
But too much wealth I heard, made u selfless 
What have you conquered with paper
Besides the arrogance and demise of your own vapors
Oh your hard? Your so G?
You got dough? You sold keys?
Oh you played that woman? 
Ain't that the mother of your seed
Oh you robbed that dude?
Wasn't he your brother before you broke free

Check my dude, Check my blood
Check G, I cant respect your grudge
Your greed fills and infects with lust
Builds to perfect 
The imperfection of your spell my cuz
Listen, Im not trying to degrade you or insult, 
I know we need money,
But the love for it has made you impulse
The love for money has made you hate many,
Take plenty and act funny, 
Real fake dunny
The love devoured your minds, 
And made you straight dummies 
The richest are snitches, beyond cowards
They contemplate cruddy

Oh you mad now, because I talk at your treble 
Dumbed down a few words
And made you understand your own level
Don't apologize to me, I never conquered your mind G
I gave you the truth, this is your reality
See, money made you weak, money made you leave
Your own family for a little less bliss, then relief
Believe me or not, but if your feeling my words
You once sold your soul, and now 
You regret your appearance because its clearer, it hurts (I know)

See, it's your love for the thirst of this devils curse
Which provoked your mind, to inherit the worst
And for this, thou shall be reversed and dug beneath
'his owned', but never his own earth!
For your possessions are but,
Hilarious! A joke!
Money gave you an illusion of power
When, inside you were still broke

It is a sense of pride and increased ego
Money was invented to divide and deprive the ditzy people 
The hunger for a piece of paper 
Never helped win over peace, 
Instead it decreased the chances, 
And even corrupted the chief of police,
The good father, The house wife, 
The children who stole from their own siblings 
For a little ounce, like 

Damn, don't you get it
Money is a false remedy
The two faced, printed 
To dissolve our own energy
To withdraw from within, our flaws
And deceive our own identities
Money is our best friend
But, money's our worst enemy!

S.U.L.L.E.E. J. (Society's Undisputed Liberated Lyricist Expressing & Exemplifying Justice)

Monday, September 26, 2011

The P.R.I.C.E. We Pay

The P.R.I.C.E. We Pay
"Prejudice, Racism, Injustice, Corruption, Execration"

By: Sullee J

        They’re trained to kill, demonstrate and enslave by will. Not all are bad, but how long will their authority remain their shield? It's not just police brutality; it's a form of crafty mentality. The reality is, that racism was born to initiate fatalities. Grave the ones who see, but okay the blind cavalries. This is fallacy. The maintenance of repeated hatred, the patience to have patience with mistreated cases. How are we okay with defeating races? Demeaning places with heathens, this is that evil matrix. This is cruelty, they can't fool me! They act like they run it, but never move their own two feet. I’m talking degradation, the degeneration of this generation through generating innovations, which caused the execration.

See, I love my country, but sometimes I hate the way they do things. Yea, they gave us freedom, but freedom isn’t always what you think. Just a couple hundred years ago, they labeled you, separated you, and hated you, if you were colored or polished. Their mucus full of arrogance, not ever was their intention behind the word, 'never ignorant getting goals accomplished.' It's a game, a system, and the schemes of mainstream religion. God is real, what they made you believe was a make belief decision. It is their plan to segregate us, and defy the oneness of who made us. Decline the chances of unity, and apply the hiatus.  How do they promote the actions of what they provoked, and then lie to the people by using Islam as a scapegoat? Islamaphobia? They had to construct a word to hate a religion of peace? They used a terrorist group designed by the system, and generalized their behavior across the Middle East. 

This is blasphemy! From the endorsement of catastrophe, to manipulating the minds of innocent citizens, and depriving them to a state of insanity. Why have we been shot down by those who protect and serve? Why have we been imprisoned with no evidence, besides the predicaments of inconsiderate germs? We the people who have been killed without full proof, the people who have had our houses raided with no warrant. We have had our families die in war for land we never owned. We have allowed the sodomy of women in back alleys, the rape of our future mothers, the battering of our daughters. Why have we been victimized? If only you could explain this injustice. If only you could see through the victims eyes, and understand the tears from this corruption. 

Racism never died, the truth did. They just learned to be slick with it, and I'm here to prove this. Things have just become more organized, enough to divert your attention. While we sit back and watch TV, they’re out there coordinating another convention. They hate when I talk like this, and display the proof. They hate it that some of us got the knowledge, to see past there fabricated views. Who's to judge, based on the color of your skin? We can't even get a proper job, so were stuck struggling, hustling more sin. See, societies run by pyramid schemes and so it seems, if you sell your soul, than my brother, you’re in! I can't comprehend to why we still face the tragedies of racial prejudice. I cannot fathom what makes a person hate another because of their appearance. I can't understand why we have stooped so low, to where we let their control brainwash us into bringing each other down. This is programmed injustice. The rise of an old plan advanced and reconstructed. 

We must stand together, and raise awareness, instead of letting them put fear in us and keep us silent. We must not let them keep getting away with these injustices. We have seen how much corruption exists. From teens like George Junius Stinney Jr. getting executed, to the Middle East being invaded, to the Gaza strip being raided. From police brutality by the racist, to the jury placing false evidence on innocent victims, and letting the murders get away with. To false claims and biases against religion, trying to spread hate through propaganda, and claim innocence, after they played out their mission. What are we dealing with here? Hypocrite legislators who can't practice what they preach? What is justice? Is it just us? Because from what I see, their action's aren't as good as what they speak!

 S.U.L.L.E.E. J. (Society's Undisputed Liberated Lyricist Expressing & Exemplifying Justice)